Friday, July 04, 2008

Live Game!

So on Tuesday night me and three friends, Neil Ross, Jon and  Brian Ross all came round for a game of live poker.

We played no limit holdem.  Your original buy in got you 2000 in chips with the blinds starting at 5/10.  The first few levels were also re-buy with a final chance to re-buy if you had less than 500 left.

As it turns out I was the only person not to re-buy.  Neil and Jon both re-bought once and Brian twice.  Due to the low level of the blonds it ensured that you got good value in terms of game time for your investment.

My stack rose gradually through the night and I was unlucky twice against opponents 'all-in' after going in well ahead twice only to be outdrawn.  I eventually got paid on some big hands and was well in the lead when it go to heads up against Jon.  Now I had a massive chip lead and we had already decided to split the pot £70 for the winner and £10 for the loser.  However it was late in the evening and Jon didn't have work due to being made redundant from the same company I work for, so rather than grind it out I decided just to split the pot 50-50.

My profit was £30 and his was £20.  Jon has been a good mate and has pretty much given me a lift to work every day for the past 3 years without ever asking for any petrol money in return.  He has also helped me out a great deal at work before being made redundant.  So I had no qualms about splitting the pot with him.

I cant finish my post without mentioning my owning of my fellow blogger Neil Ross.  I was betting small into a flop that I had a tiny  piece of but there where potential flush draws and straight draws out and Mr Ross was just flat calling, I figured he was on a draw and I figured he thought I had top pair.  Anyway after the river card he put in  a slightly large raise.  I couldn't see why he had done it.  If he had the straight I figured he would want to get paid and his bet was too big for that, I figured he was trying to get me off the pot so I called with bottom pair and took it down.  

Sorry neil but just couldnt help but mention it.

See ya tomorrow lad for beers and antics round scouseland!


ROSSI said...

LOL good write up mate.

ROSSI said...

your AQ vs 57 suited isnt well ahead in an all-in PF situation. I was correct with my estimate when we were out though mate, just checked it out. 59%/40%. I will take those odds when i've got 5BB left,with 3 players left.

a dominated hand like AQ vs A8 would be 70%/23% (6% tie).

EvertonYorkie said...

Found this blog off of Rossi's mate, I am a regular reader there. Keep the updates coming!

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