Wednesday, June 18, 2008


After my post last night i entered a $3 STT and got a payout in third which was a step in the right direction.

Tonight I played one of the best games I have played.

Entered a $3 stt and decided I was going to be very aggressive right from the start and it worked a treat, my stack built up nicely until disaster struck and I lost a massive pot against two overcards to my pair and my stack was reduced to $600 with 6 players remaining.

I built up my stack again and got to the final 3.  Noticed that every time it was my BB, the SB was making the same raise, it happened 4 times in a row.  On the 4th time I flat called with low connecting cards, got a piece of the flop and then lumped the lot in.  He paused for ages and then folded.  I then typed into the chat 'stop raising my big blind'.  It seemed to do the trick and he went into his shell before getting knocked out.

I was then heads up against a guy who I had lost about 4 smallish pots to on the river.  He had double my chips.  I quickly noticed that when I was on the SB, if I raised he was instantly folding i.e he had ticked the fold box.  I also noticed that he was only betting when he had something.  From then on it was easy, i raised every time from the small blind and he was just folding, no resistance at all.  The odd time he raised me, I just folded as it was obvious he had a hand.

I whittled his stack down to $2500, barely having to show a hand.  Then we both flopped top pair, I had the better kicker and I won.

Was very pleased with my game, made a couple of bad reads on hands that cost me some chips but most of my reads where spot on and I was aggressive throughout.

EDIT: bankroll now $62, could be almost $80 if it wasn't for my stupid play yesterday.

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