Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Poker blog has re-re-re-re-(you get the picture) opened

So after a years poker sabbatical, in which I have hardly played any poker at all due to the demands and joys of fatherhood I am back.

I invested $20 into pokerstars and have been playing STT's. I have now got $47, so my bankroll (if you can call it that yet!) has doubled in under a week, so a respectable start to my poker comeback.

On a side note I am 30 today, so as I am now an old git I have also decided to take up golf as my creaking bones and joints cannot take more energetic pursuits such as football or for my american fans soccer!! So now I have taken up two of most frustrating games - golf and poker.

Soon I will be going bald as well as going grey.

Onwards and jolly well upwards - tally ho!


ROSSI said...

nice to see you back. Those golf clubs are waiting for you for £50. Oh and your already going grey lad.

ROSSI said...

american fans?!! i think there is only me who reads this atm mate LOL

Ian Brooks said...

yeah the fans comment was tongue in cheek mate

ROSSI said...

no shit!!! LOL