Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bad beats, bad play and the weirdest game of poker I have experienced so far!


I'll start with the bad beats; now i havent played much poker at all recently and the few games i have played have been destroyed by ridiculous bad beats. In which early on in tournaments i have got all my chips in with a hand that is a massive favourite only to suffer defeat.

Example 1 : I have A 8 off suit and am on the big blind, its folded round to the small blind who flat calls, thinking i have the best hand i raise and get flat called. The flop duly arrives 8 high, think it was (8, 2, 5). Small blind bets at the pot, i figure having played so passively pre-flop, he hasnt got a hand. I raise him and he responds by going all in - I am convinced given the way he had been playing he had nothing so i call. He flips over A 7, i think yes, that is until the turn and river are 4 & 6 respectively giving him a straight - out and gutted.

Example 2: I have A Q and put in a pre flop raise around 3 times the big blind and get one caller. The flop comes down Q x x - great i think and get a bet in, again I am re-raised all my chips, again i think i am ahead so call. My opponent turns over Q 6 and has no draws at all. The turn comes down 6 and i am out again - Gutted!!!

Now its only 2 bad beats but I have only played 4 games in about the last two weeks so 50% of them have ended this way!!!

My third game ended again in an early exit but this time it was my fault I raised pre-flop with AK and was flat called I missed the flop and put in a continuation bet as the flop looked harmless - i was flat called, i probably should have checked the turn but again bet and was flat called. The river came down and it didnt help, i bet out again (doh!) and the over guy lumped all his chips is - it was only another 300 to call so I called. He flipped over a pair of 3's and took it down. He had called all my bets despite this being the first hand i had been involved in and despite 5 overcards on the board. Ok I played the hand pretty bad but I figure so did he but as the saying goes you cant bluff a bad player, it was also i reminder that AK isnt a made hand!!

Now I have just played and won one of the most bizarre and frustrating Stt's i have ever played in. My connection was sluggish from the start but once i got into the game it was constantly dropping, the first time this has ever happened to me on stars. I was disconnected for ages and whn i finally got back on i had just over 1k in chips BUT there was only 3 other players, this soon became 3 and ensured me a payout. The connection picked up for the next 10 mins or so and I managed to get into the final to and build up a chip lead heads up before i was disconnected yet again. When i got back on the chip counts where almost level and few hands later I won the tourney with trip 3's!!!!

Maybe from now on I will enter tourney's and just sit out, seems I get more success that way - let the idiots knock each other out and that way I dont suffer any bad beats!!!

Bankroll: $271.02

1 comment:

ROSSI said...

back at last eh lad

sounds like a few bad beats there mate, but u didnt say at what point in the torny you were at, maybe worth throwing it away for all your stack, though in those cases you got yr money in well ahead so you read it right and cant really do any more.

keep playing
keep blogging

laters mate